GSF’s Holistic Solution To End Human Trafficking

September 3, 2021
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By Josie Bixler


1. Prevention 

Girl Set Free uses a wholistic approach to fight human trafficking, starting with prevention.

We believe the first step to end human trafficking is to prevent it from happening in the first place. The biggest strategy for prevention is to fight ignorance and misinformation by raising awareness and educating communities locally and globally about human trafficking. We provide resources and tools to identify human trafficking and who to contact when something looks suspicious.

The end to modern day slavery starts with knowledge and it ends with action.

Subscribe for your free E-Book and Resource Kit to start raising awareness about human trafficking in your circles.


2. Interception

Interception is the second part of Girl Set Free’s wholistic approach in the fight to end modern day slavery.

Victims of human trafficking are transported across borders, through cities and within little towns. Potential victims can also be lured by false job promises or coerced by lovers or family. In the transport process, Girl Set Free funds interception in countries around the world.

Our Local Partners partners train monitors to identify trafficking while it is in transit or before victims can be trafficked. Girl Set Free’s Freedom Box, a monthly subscription of $50 in exchange for a quarterly box of fair trade goods, helps pay a monitor’s salary so that they can continue to do interception work and set people free.

You can be a part of interception work when you Sponsor Freedom through the Freedom Box.


3. Rescue

Funding rescue is an integral part of Girl Set Free’s wholistic approach to fighting against human trafficking.

To end human trafficking in our lifetime we must extract every victim currently being exploited, so that all can be free, independent and have the chance at a better story. We fund rescue by strategically partnering with organizations across the world that have trained investigation teams and coordinate rescue missions through vetted intelligence information.

You can send rescue and help fund investigation and rescue missions by donating today. Your financial gifts are the difference between slavery and freedom.


4. Restoration

Restoration is the last piece of Girl Set Free’s wholistic approach to end human trafficking.

Restorative work is crucial for survivors of trafficking to heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Rescue alone is not enough to wholly set survivors free because trauma runs deeper than physical freedom.

Girl Set Free is partnered with 16 safe houses, mentorship programs and after care centers throughout the United States, Southeast Asia and Africa. These places provide a safe environment for restoration to take place and for survivors to get back on their feet through job skills training and job opportunities.

Be a part of restorative care by donating today. Every profitable penny of your donations goes back to fund the mission of Girl Set Free to holistically end human trafficking.


Thank you for supporting Girl Set Free’s Holistic Approach to end modern day slavery. Your support is the reason we can continue to set girls free. 

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