As we seek justice on behalf of others, we rely on an all-powerful God to help us do what is only possible with and through Him.
as we work in areas of great darkness and serve those in desperate need of rescue and restoration. Combating issues like slavery, sex trafficking and violent injustice is challenging, but when we pray over this work together, we are not paralyzed with despair.
Signing up to be a Prayer Partner means that we'll send new, urgent prayer requests to your inbox every month, so that you know what's happening in this movement to end slavery and can ask God to intervene in specific ways.
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Anyone can join in the fight against human trafficking
We've created a list of our favorite tools to combat slavery. Sign up for the newsletter and also get our 5 tools that you can use today.
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Fill out this quick form and we will get in touch with more information on how you can partner with GSF for your next event.